Today we're taking a closer look at some of the new tricks and traps waiting in store in our first major Content Update for Spin & Roll: Mekanika!
Mekanika started with a simple premise: bring some steampunk-inspired styling and mechanised contraptions to the game. All this whilst making sure that we give players just as much content as they've enjoyed in the Classic pack and its Master mode equivalent. Not a small undertaking!
With that said, work on developing brand-new features, scenery and styling is complete and levels are already being made, and we're happy to confirm that we will indeed be bringing Mekanika to Spin & Roll within the month following the game's launch on February 1st!
Let's take a little look at some of the new things you'll see in these industrialised (but colourful!) stages...

Narrow walkways and paths become much more deadly when you're facing rows of sharp spikes!

Small but dangerously-placed laser beads will move around the stage giving you some tricky pathways to negotiate. Some of these will just twist and turn, others may completely encircle your objective. Roll carefully!

Get whisked away without the effort of rolling by dropping on to a conveyor belt. Be careful, however, as you won't be quite as stable on these as you might think - you are a ball, after all! You may find these lead to your objective, or some may lead to hidden treasure...

Bombits are the watchful eyes-in-the-skies of Mekanika. They patrol areas of importance and will not tolerate having you invading their personal space! They'll do their very best to zap you into the ether!

Chain Spikes will try and catch you off-guard, zipping out from their sentry positions, hoping to pop whatever gets in their way. Best to move past these quickly.

Multi-pads will whisk you you off to a completely new location. But unlike Telepads, you can change their destination using the handy switch nearby. It may give you multiple options on approaching how you complete a stage!
There are lots of other features and a whole slew of new visuals to show off in Mekanika. We're really happy to be working on this completely free Content Update for the game to make your game bigger, better and more full of arcade platforming fun.
Mekanika will be launching as a free update later in the month of February. We can't wait to share more soon!